How Fit Are You Really?

At 31, I felt old. Not in the ‘I wish I was 20 again’ or ‘life’s passing me by’ type of way; quite the contrary. But within my fitness levels, or more accurately lack of them. I would make an ‘ooooff!’ noise while getting up off the sofa, or be out of breath after a last-minute dash for the train. To put this in perspective, I am a size 8 and eat a very healthy diet. But recently when I forced myself to think about exactly how much exercise I do, the answer was a big, fat zero. I run my business from my office at home, so I don’t even walk to and from work. Tragic.


Seven Ways To Fuel Your Training

Do you ever think to yourself “what do I have to do to increase my energy levels during my workouts?”...

Focus On Being FIT Not THIN

For many people being skinny has become the ideal image of female beauty. While being thin is probably good for us in terms of overweight being unhealthy, the main issue is that the fashion ideal often promotes a too-skinny look, so thin that it becomes unattainable for most women, and if we try to attain that look, we risk developing eating disorders.

Your Fat Loss Questions Answered

Thank you for your health questions submitted to our resident nutritionist Amanda Hamilton. We received so many great questions that we’ve decided to dedicate an article to our top five questions and answers below.

Bodybuilder Neil Hill's Nutritional Tips For Athletes

Bodybuilder Neil Hill provides his top 20 detailed nutritional tips for athletes. Having worked as a nutritionist for over 20 years with multiple international athletes, Neil is an expert when it comes to nutrition.

Under Eating Can Slow Down Fat Loss

Did you know that under-eating can slow down your fat loss? If you're experiencing a weight loss plateau then read this blog and discover how to overcome this obstacle